Restoration began on July 1, 1994 and has been a slow, but on-going effort ever since.
Neither is the Guardian using offsetting to divert focus away from their on-going efforts to measure, report and reduce their own emissions.
There are currently a number of on-going efforts to solve the structures for every protein in a given proteome.
Future Studies takes as one of its important attributes (epistemological starting points) the on-going effort to analyze alternative futures.
In an on-going effort, we will provide you with the latest links, downloads and other resources on safety information covering the issues outlined in this initiative.
There are some on-going efforts to attempt to minimize this pollution.
East Timor's on-going effort to gain control of gas and oil resources from Australia, which it perceives at its own, is a form of counter-mapping.
These collaborations yield critical information that enhances our on-going efforts to protect the food supply.
There are on-going efforts on Kinder Scout, Bleaklow and Black Hill.
This proposal is part of the Community's on-going efforts to reduce emissions to improve air quality in order to protect the environment and the health of our citizens.