Although the two nations have a close working relationship regarding the on-going war on terror, there has been a growing tension in other areas.
For some countries, the data may be skewed by a recent natural disaster, or an on-going civil war.
MUME has interesting player dynamic, in that players can join on either side of the on-going war between good and evil.
The many people living in the area now internally displaced (IDP) due to the on-going war.
The Tyranid are hell-bent on destroying the galaxy, and the locust forces clash with them in the on-going war.
While there, she gets caught up in the on-going war between the Prodigium and the human organizations who seek to eradicate them from the world.
Despite Soult's failure to relieve the town, the battle had little strategic effect on the on-going war.
Their exploits unfold against the backdrop of the on-going war, as the squad participates in events often crucial to turning its tide.
By the 1970s Turkish Cypriots started to come to London as refugees because of the on-going war on the island.
After the 2004 tsunami and the on-going civil war, people started moving towards places of safety from the sea coasts.