The stitchwork is computer driven, with the shapes drawn from an on-line database of forms the artists have compiled over the years.
The website contains a wealth of information and resources including on-line databases and publications.
The library has on-line databases, books, reports, theses and around 7000 books.
Eventually, he and his group will make an on-line database, which will allow workers to research what local employers are seeking.
In these days of on-line databases and electronic mail, librarians are getting lonelier.
Visitors can search the on-line database of recent earthquake activity.
But on-line databases and training to use them are expensive.
Most of the content of the catalogue is now available through the British Museum's on-line database.
You will be trained and given access to use our on-line database of internship opportunities.
A: Gerstner is an example of how I use on-line databases.