There was no time pressure, so the data should reflect considered judgements, rather than on-line processing.
The division is reflected rather straightforwardly in considered judgements about the acceptability of sentences containing anaphoric expressions, but not so straightforwardly in on-line processing.
Finding the answer in this short amount of time is called on-line processing.
Three additional phases involve testing the system"s basic data-sharing function and adding new capabilities such as data importing, on-line processing, and document management.
Treatment has been shown to affect on-line (real-time) processing of trained sentences and these results can be tracked using fMRI mappings.
Dimension: another word for "system" from on-line analytical processing (e.g. cubes)
The dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC) is involved with "on-line" processing of information such as integrating different dimensions of cognition and behaviour.
Beginning in about 1990, data warehousing and on-line analytical processing (OLAP) began broadening the realm of DSS.
He has made fundamental contributions in the areas of graphical query languages, knowledge-base systems, and on-line analytic processing.
Detecting silent pauses in speech: A new tool for measuring on-line lexical and semantic processing.