Within the scope of the on-screen action, it is a surprisingly effective masquerade.
Space Gun is a side scrolling shooting game in which the player views the on-screen action from a first person perspective.
There's always plenty of on-screen action, dialogue and color to keep the eyes and ears happy.
They capture the on-screen action and compile it into a video format.
Bar sheets show the relationship between the on-screen action, the dialogue, and the actual musical notation used in the score.
Critics say the absurdity of the film is found in the dialogue rather than on-screen action.
At other times, the graphics remain stationary, while the stop-motion camera is moved to create on-screen action.
During play, his head movements are constrained, at least in contrast to the on-screen action.
Monitors: We do not see the on-screen action these days whilst recording the music.
The only on-screen action is the animated path of the ball.