Nonetheless, an entire page of the manual is devoted to the strange on-screen icons that represent things like centered text.
Holding down the L or R button, or tapping the appropriate on-screen icon, activates the speeder, making blocks fall faster.
But suddenly, dozens of companies seem to be offering graphical interfaces to the Internet, using on-screen icons and a point-and-click mouse to disguise the command-line complexity of the network.
Once "Hit" appears on the screen, you've got to reel in the fish, tilting your rod in accordance with on-screen icons.
Data files are visually represented by on-screen icons, designed to look like tiny office files.
After pressing the on-screen icon for "print," it was a short four minutes before the print appeared.
Pointing at and clicking on on-screen icons using a digital pen can be cumbersome and counterintuitive, and writing on a screen in longhand is much slower than typing.
Players tap (unpictured) on-screen icons to execute attacks and move.
To allow users to focus on the text, the software doesn't have any on-screen icons or navigation devices.
The game is a point-and-click adventure with a changeable cursor, drop down menus and on-screen icons.