Now, he can't do on-screen violence; he can't even fire a gun.
Director Jimmy Huston, also wanted to go against the norm with the film and decided to feature little on-screen graphic violence.
But if you're leery of the on-screen violence and late hours, you can always take your children to the tie-in exhibition.
The classic discussion here is around shows where there's heavy jeopardy involved, but no real on-screen violence.
They were less likely to blame declining church attendance or on-screen violence.
Studios have discovered that computer animation and effects can attract the widest number of moviegoers, even while fretting that too real on-screen violence might somehow narrow the audience.
For the time, it had a high degree of graphic on-screen violence and the episodes had a high number of on-screen deaths.
Reservoir Dogs has often been seen as a prominent film in terms of on-screen violence.
An unusual feature of the soundtrack was the choice of songs; Tarantino has said that he feels the music to be a counterpoint to the on-screen violence and action.
They write that the film has allegorical meaning beyond the gratuitous on-screen violence.