Two main approaches (on-site examination and off-site monitoring) are currently used for supervisory/regulation and monitoring of financial stability.
The Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, the primary regulator for state nonmember banks, frequently conducts on-site examinations of banks under its purview.
According to the court documents, regulators first became suspicious of Mr. Iguchi's trading practices in 1992 and conducted on-site examinations of the bank.
Those men had been given exact copies of the original plans, and they'd sworn to him-sworn on their own souls-that their sabotage would be almost impossible to detect even from direct, on-site examination.
All but one of the southbound lanes were closed while uniformed troopers did the lengthy on-site examination required for all fatal crashes, and traffic backed up for miles.
"When radiation levels fall, detailed on-site examination inside reactor buildings, including examination of quake effects, must be carried out."
The ratings are assigned based on a ratio analysis of the financial statements, combined with on-site examinations made by a designated supervisory regulator.
G.A.O. also calls for on-site annual examinations and more bank examiners, and it demands stricter accounting rules and early notification by auditors to insure better compliance.
It conducts on-site examinations to make sure the bank's financial condition is good and that the bank is complying with banking laws.
The agency that charters the bank is also responsible for conducting on-site examinations to make sure the bank is complying with banking laws.