A member of the on-site staff begins by inspecting the fixtures in each unit with a plumber.
The festival will cost the company a great deal more to mount than the usual Newport festival, in artist fees, advertising, on-site staff and stages.
Built-in job flexibility ensures that these standards are always met by on-site staff, irrespective of job titles and responsibilities.
Empower on-site staff with authority to make decisions.
The on-site staff will provide orientation to help locate restaurants, shops and excursions.
In disasters or complex emergencies, most hospitals have protocols to summon on-site and off-site staff rapidly.
All of the on-site staff had learned to ignore it, and the blaring station- wide siren had long ago been disconnected.
The 22 students receive six credits for the work, which includes lectures and work with the on-site staff and visiting scholars.
The on-site staff shrank until there was just a part-time secretary and a building superintendent who had only a small maintenance budget.
The on-site medical staff follows the treatment recommendations of the specialist.