The most common method of handling collected leachate is on-site treatment.
Medical services offer basic care and education, on-site treatment, health consultations, referrals, and free influenza vaccinations during the flu season.
The focus of WSUD technologies was directed towards the on-site treatment, storage and recycling of stormwater and wastewater.
In addition to the marked improvement in sanitation, on-site treatment of hazardous waste allows operational cost savings for these facilities.
Industries generating large volumes of wastewater typically operate their own complete on-site treatment systems.
However, with effective on-site treatment it is often possible to reuse water, while technologies are also available to recover waste materials from effluent streams.
Lower-grade ore may require on-site treatment to either recover the gold or to produce a concentrate sufficiently rich for transport to the smelter.
Fernandez received on-site medical treatment for dehydration after her match.
Constructed wetlands are being used in an increasing number of cases as they provided high quality and productive on-site treatment.
Constructed wetland for on-site septic treatment.