They might include, for example, a two-year period of on-time payments plus a rise in income and personal assets of the borrower.
He thinks the company has changed its policies on late-payment penalties, making it hard for him to make on-time payments.
Loan executives estimate that only 10 to 15 percent ever receive the discounts that depend on making on-time payments.
Also, Ms. Porges said, the interest rate on the loan will be steadily decreased after each year of on-time payments.
Rehabilitating a defaulted Perkins loan requires twelve (12) on-time monthly payments.
This generally requires at least two years of on-time payments.
Students should also look for different "borrower benefits" that lenders offer, like interest rate reductions after on-time payments or as a reward for using direct debit from a bank, experts said.
This usually occurs after making a series of on-time payments through the debt management program as a show of good faith and commitment to completion of the program.
By sacrificing 0.1 percentage point to 0.375 percentage point of yield each year, investors are assured on-time payments of interest and principal.
On October 14, 2010, Boost Mobile introduced "Shrinkage", a plan add-on that reduces monthly payment prices by $5 for every six months of on-time payments.