But a philosopher once advised, 'When given a choice prefer the hard.'
"As a great author once advised," Ghost said, "the best place to start is at the beginning and then go until you reach the end."
Teachers who once advised 8 or 9 students are now assigned 12 or 13.
Mao once advised his associates to be careful killing people.
An old teacher of mine once advised: in a crisis, offer something - anything.
Even a French doctor once advised that marriage was good for health because it leads to sexual boredom which in turn protect against heart attacks.
Plato once advised, "Never discourage anyone who continually makes progress, no matter how slow."
Plato once advised that attention to health is life's greatest hindrance.
Jane Goodall once advised that we do not have to buy products from companies with bad environmental policies.
Horace once advised, "Let us snatch our opportunity from the passing day."