If you think changing the channel won't make a difference, just look at what has happened to the once all-powerful CNN.
The battle had been won: he felt himself strong again---stronger than before through that very act of deference paid to him by the once all-powerful Chauvelin.
The other group making a significant showing is the Party of Democratic Socialism, which arose from the wreckage of the once all-powerful Communist Party deposed last fall.
A12 The official press in Eastern Europe, once all-powerful, is in even bigger trouble than the Communist parties it spoke for.
They see no power emerging that is capable of stamping out the vestige of the once all-powerful Mr. Hussein.
The 330,000-member electricians' union was expelled from the Trades Union Congress today, causing the most serious split in decades in the once all-powerful British union movement.
Indeed, even this show with its many works of eye-opening explicitness has provoked no protests, not even from the once all-powerful Roman Catholic Church.
Still pervasive is the Government's once all-powerful Komiteh, the heavy-handed internal security force set up after the 1979 revolution to insure compliance with Islamic law.
They said the trial itself was desperately needed to establish a new precedent in Indonesia: that no one, including the once all-powerful Suharto, was above the law.
In recent times, the Communist Party has suffered repeated blows to its once all-powerful status.