Her husband once arranged a concert for her at Carnegie Hall, and dubbed it Fiesta Mundo (world party).
Then once more carefully arranging the earth behind the shutter, so that it should again fall with it, he returned to the cellar.
He once arranged unofficially to take part in a raid from his station at Hemswell in Lincolnshire in a Hampden of No 61 Squadron.
He once arranged an aircraft trip to St. Eval, near to where his daughter Sonia's school had been evacuated, and paid her a surprise visit.
His father, Bob, who played quarterback at North Carolina State, once arranged the clothesline in the back yard to demonstrate the proper trajectory on a pass.
He once arranged for the bodies of dead birds to be sent to him from the zoo for examination.
Mr. Stewart, by now married to a young woman who once arranged flowers for Ms. Stewart, demanded and received a retraction.
These were shows (more than shows, really) that we once arranged our lives around, canceled dates for, argued about, chewed on - and, yes, bought the wardrobe and soundtrack of.
Mr. Stern once arranged his figures horizontally, as they would have been in cemeteries.
Ms. Frisch turned to the Web after using a broker who once arranged a rental that turned out to be particularly shoddy.