Textbooks skim over wartime aggression and political leaders repeatedly try to play down Japan's role in World War II, only to be brought up short by protests from neighbors they once colonized.
Worse, the contrast between his uptight, rule-bound ways and the sensuality, music and violence of Shirley and her kin trafficks in tired stereotypes about frigid Europeans and the hotblooded, passionate people they once colonized.
You can't mean that the human Antarians who once colonized Astarfall, who left that inscribed tablet, changed into --" "Into these Cubics, yes," Curt finished somberly.
The strong yen has forced a revolution in Japanese management and has changed Japan's relationship with many of the Asian countries it once colonized.
That one is about a faraway moon that some galactic federation once colonized to use as a mental hospital.
The Northmen once colonized America.
It would be far cheaper to import the sweetener from tropical climates that Europeans once colonized precisely because they were rich in things like sugar cane.