There is an old story that Matthews, the actor, was once lauding the ability of the human face to express the passions and emotions hidden in the breast.
Far more seriously, Thompson has overseen the sad decline of Georgetown's once lauded athletic practices and player conduct.
Just next to the complex is a grain elevator, similar to those that Le Corbusier once lauded as the American equivalent of the Parthenon, the "magnificent first fruits of a new age."
Once highly lauded by America, he was ousted and assassinated in a U.S.-backed coup.
Frank Zappa once lauded him as "one of the most interesting guys on guitar on the planet".
For four days now the B.E.F., once lauded as the finest land-force, for its size, in the world, had been evacuating and only its tail-end now remained to be taken off.
They privately ripped into Mr. Freeh - once lauded by the President as one of his best appointees - and called him a disloyal subordinate.
Once lauded as the environmentally sound answer to diminishing landfill space, composting on a large scale has recently led to hostile local disputes.
In Japan's schools, once lauded for their hard-working students and sharp-penciled test takers, test scores have fallen recently below those of countries like Singapore, South Korea and Finland.
Sure enough, she delivered the goods, and all those hipsters who once lauded her failed to listen.