That law narrows the discretion once lavished on Federal judges.
Externally, the media organizations which once lavished support on the group's conventions, sponsoring lunches and dinners, are funneling their donations into skills training.
Obsessive work habits are pervasive, soaking up time once lavished on friendship.
The hair, too, is coming in for pampering that takes the amount of time and trouble women once lavished only on their complexions.
"What is it to me, the love you lavished on me once in a vibrant and feverish world?"
Where she once lavished ornaments at random, she now puts across sentiment as well as showiness.
Some of the invention once lavished on architecture reappears in the elaborate costumes that end in platform shoes, worn by "Three New Yorkers."
We have become used to visual spectacle in a time of astonishing advances in cinematic technology, with animated ants commanding the kind of attention once lavished on movie actors.
The nursemaid felt a withdrawal of affection and was hurt, not noticing that the child was shrinking back from all emotional expression; the hugs and kisses once lavished on Marie had not been transferred to Pamela.
So is the spreading impact of the Bush-Baker refusal to grant Israel loan guarantees - which it once lavished on Saddam Hussein.