Without your help, I fear the abilities we once nourished will turn to dust.
The pastures that once nourished livestock grew no fodder, but baked and cracked like desert bottomlands deprived of any shade.
Hearts Once Nourished With Hope And Compassion (1997-2003)
This summer an 18-story building blocks the sky, and concrete smothers the earth that once nourished tomatoes.
Its goal is to replicate, as closely as possible, the natural flows of clean water that once nourished the entire South Florida ecosystem.
Those rivers once nourished Tulare Lake; now they irrigate the lands of Boswell and the other giant agribusinesses that dominate the valley.
Television has replaced parties as a mediator between candidates and citizens, withering the grassroots organizations that once nourished political activity.
It might have once nourished some form of life and, if humans colonize the red planet, it might do so again (but with some definite limitations).
The flow of government dollars that once nourished research universities has slowed to a trickle.
But now, trembling on the verge of death, I shudder at the vindictive thoughts I once nourished.