Pitt the Younger once opined that the Prime Minister "ought to be the person at the head of the finances."
"A corkscrew fascinates me more than a Manet painting," she once opined.
"Love is a publicity stunt," she once opined.
"I really want people to get out their sewing machines again," she once opined.
People don't seem to care that wrinkles are merely indicators of past smiles, as Mark Twain once opined.
Obama once opined that he didn't like the fashion of young men wearing their trousers slung low on their underpants.
She was quoted as having once opined she "much preferred to set the stage for adventure rather than the table for dinner".
Life is not fair, Rosalynn Carter's husband once opined.
David once opined that music and cricket were the only times that the West Indies stood together.
He once opined that "Jesus Christ was a carpetbagger."