Once part of a hacienda, behind the building there are large gardens filled with vegetation.
Once part of a furniture-warehouse, this unit was a turn of the 20th century dance hall and later used as an art gallery.
Once part of the common grazing of the parish this land was only finally enclosed in 1863.
Once part of the civilian service program, one has to work 50% longer than the total normal cumulative military service period.
Once part of the city walls, it is now a public park.
Once part of a large woodland estate then after many changes it was passed to the council who turned in into a large country park.
Once part of the Hollywood establishment, he broke ranks to create his own studio, but failed.
Once part of the large estate, the stable building is now surrounded by residential development.
Once part of the former Katō faction, though this group split off during the mid-1990s.
Once part of a huge empire that ruled many different ethnic groups, Austria now consists of 9 small provinces.