Each password, once revealed, became one of five clues referring to a person, place or thing.
In a time once revealed for its technological advancement, chaos now reigns.
There's another thing,' he once revealed to me, 'women as a rule won't play you at poker.
Rosenthal, who died on October 13, once revealed his way of dealing with a punter caught cheating at cards.
And Tiberius had never once revealed to him what he was actually doing.
The hotel was modern but once inside it revealed an unexpected charm.
Benjamin Ward once revealed "our little secret" - that young black men were, in his words, committing genocide against other blacks.
The truth, so obvious once revealed, destroyed the last shreds of his pride.
The peace effort now under way is likely to reveal once again the narrow limits on truly independent action by Central American states.
Until now, the man of the dark had played a waiting game, never once revealing his hand.