Linguists once theorized that the Coahuiltecans belonged to a single language family and that the Coahuiltecan languages were related to the Hokan languages of California, Arizona, and Baja California.
No Physical Signs Although doctors once theorized that autism was caused by the parents' poor relationship with the child, that theory is now discredited among psychotherapists.
Some astronomers once theorized that Pluto used to be one of Neptune's moons.
"Do you recall how Professor Landreth once theorized that strong personality traits might be manifestations of psychic energy?"
Once theorized to be ballplayers, it is now generally accepted that these heads are portraits of rulers, perhaps dressed as ballplayers.
A gong of optimism was sounded by the physicist Stephen W. Hawking, who once theorized that, in a shrinking universe, time would eventually run backward.
And as a last resort, the Fed could figuratively put in place an idea that the economist Milton Friedman once theorized for illustrative purposes: It could drop money out of helicopters.
Some scholars of the Arabian horse once theorized that the Arabian came from a separate subspecies of horse, known as equus caballus pumpelli.
The pop-culture critic Chuck Klosterman once theorized that John Cusack ruined relationships forever because women expected their partners to be as doting as his uber-romantic character in "Say Anything."
As a prominent writer on Apple- and Mac-related topics, Kahney was once theorized (incorrectly) to be the identity of Fake Steve Jobs.