He felt sure there was some remnant magic in his hands, which had once wielded the Key.
She went home and came back with the hot comb she once wielded.
The Heterodynes once wielded considerable power and influence across the continent.
Your modesty aside, the simple fact is that you seem to be the foremost authority on these people and the power they once wielded.
It was a nice reminder of the power the Moroccans once wielded over southern Europe.
Alleyn reflected that it had once wielded a lethal carving knife.
The Broder bond, a secret society that once wielded enormous power, barely exists anymore.
The hand that once wielded both sword and axe now aches after an evening of the quill.
Trade unions have nothing like the industrial muscle they once wielded; Margaret Thatcher saw to that.
Torre has just one year left on his contract, and the magic he once wielded in the postseason has disappeared.