Our busy oncology clinics should be able to ask, 'Are you distressed?
Search for alleviation and cure is a very basic human reaction, as shrines from Lourdes to high-tech oncology clinics testify.
A new oncology clinic will be built at the hospital, with completion expected in 2014.
A retrospective survey study involved patients of an oncology clinic who were offered acupuncture treatment for potential palliation of symptoms.
Niemtzow RC: Integration of complementary disciplines into the oncology clinic.
She was to follow up at the oncology clinic the next week.
He told Jacob Spain's story about Forrest hiding in the trees at the oncology clinic, six days before the Judge passed away.
A novel intervention tested the effects of a brief (15- to 20-minute) clinic tour for new patients in a medical oncology clinic.
We found Dr. Ismail inside the pharmacology lab of the oncology clinic.
Morgan's only contact with other children was at the hospital's oncology clinic.