We do not know the nature or background of the oncoming vessel.
Forward, Cameron held a glass and studied the oncoming vessel.
Without the attitude units there was little the H-16 could do to dodge the oncoming vessels.
The ships tried desperately to counter the movement, to get out of the way of the massive oncoming vessel.
The oncoming vessel sported a flag of blue, with two horizontal white stripes on it.
Okay, since we still have trouble with scientific and military details, we're going to go survey this oncoming vessel.
From there, she studied the oncoming vessels, trying to think of what spell she could use, and how.
The oncoming vessel was closer now, a lot closer, and showed no sign of turning away.
The companions moved to the deck rail and stared at the oncoming vessel.
TheStalwart's bow pointed directly towards the oncoming vessel as they picked up speed.