Certain versions of the In the Groove 2 cabinet - in particular the ones manufactured by Andimiro, have BIOS passwords.
All left hand drive vehicles (including new ones manufactured for export) carry a prominent sticker reading 'Left Hand Drive Vehicle' on their back to warn other drivers.
For some reason it just didn't have the old resiliency of the ones manufactured by the Enterprise replicator--or was that just prejudice?
Street clothes, the ones manufactured and sold in shows like To Be Confirmed, are understood to go against the cultural norm, but for the last 10 years at least they have been steeped in the same all-American references to the world of prep school, athletics and day-labor workwear.
Initially, performance in the Bigfoot drives generally lagged behind most other drives of the era, but the large data capacities earned inclusion in many OEM PCs such as ones manufactured by Compaq and HP, as well as popularity with the PC enthusiast community.
The head and tail lights of a true Kustom may or may not be the original ones manufactured with the car.
Although these are mostly black coloured lenses, there exist some very rare light grey ones manufactured earlier.
These different licensees had a combination of uniforms and accessories that were usually identical to the ones manufactured for the US market by Hasbro, along with some sets that were unique to the local market.
As far as bricks go, most of the ones manufactured in the United States are made in natural gas kilns, which are much less harmful to the environment than wood-fired kilns.
McDonald's and Great Clips both had their own representative figures as well, but had a slight difference compared to the ones manufactured by Hasbro.