Their size and weight (the largest ones require 20 adult men to carry) make them very difficult to move around.
The passing grade is 11 in almost all schools and universities, while certain ones require 13.
It was also slow in coming to its decisions, as certain ones required the unanimous consent of the entire Assembly.
The new ones would require only that contestants not be married now, and have no children.
Some less obvious ones can require significant investigation to identify, such as complex drug interactions.
The ones for the water were heavy for the actress to wear, and sometimes required four to six people to carry her.
Small parties can form spontaneously, but large ones usually require a fair amount of planning and preparation.
The ones that have not yet been achieved require further commitment.
Moreover, while most seizures stop on their own, longer ones can require medical intervention.
It is difficult to right a multihull and the larger ones could even require the use of a crane.