Also in the spring of 2008, students directed short one-act comedies.
Ethan Cohen has written three one-act comedy plays that will hit the stage in New York next month.
May 30-July 1: premieres of 16 one-act comedies, dramas and musicals.
This was all very strange, since there isn't a single genuinely funny line in this overlong one-act would-be comedy.
Mr. Spencer has written several intriguing one-act comedies; this is not one of them.
Contrary to appearances, the one-act comedy is one of the most difficult of all literary forms to master.
It might be an interesting conceit for a one-act comedy, but it is unworkable in two elongated acts.
This is the company's fifth annual festival of one-act comedies.
She also wrote a one-act comedy called Quits (1896) set at a women's college.
Two one-act comedies written and directed by John Patrick Shanley.