In fact, one-celled organisms may have been the only things released from the spacecraft.
I think he's got higher expectations of one-celled organisms than he does of me.
When and how had he been divided in two halves like a one-celled organism repro-ducing itself?
More like a simple one-celled organism or a sponge.
The entire genome-maybe several genomes-exists in the one-celled organisms released from the spacecraft.
Nothing but specialized forms of these same one-celled primitive organisms!
All five of these kingdoms have lineages that trace back to different one-celled organisms.
In the video's introduction, a narrator states, "From these one-celled organisms evolved all life on Earth."
All types of bacteria are one-celled organisms that live either alone, in chains, or in groups.
Parasites range in size from tiny, one-celled organisms called protozoa to worms that can be seen with the naked eye.