Two decades ago, Mauritius had a one-crop economy based on sugar cane, which accounted for 90 percent of the island's revenue.
'Oil is a one-crop economy,' said Champion.
Unwittingly, though, the Southern states had laid the foundation for their destruction by concentrating on a one-crop economy, that of cotton.
Obviously, such developments pose social and economic problems for such Third World countries that have depended on one-crop economies for centuries.
But it was a one-product world, subject to the disasters of a one-crop economy.
To the original purpose of his research he'd added a search for another plant than ghil to make a new one-crop economy for Loren.
And Pacific Lumber's unwillingness to compromise on environmental issues has made new enemies in this town, which once saw itself as having a one-crop economy.
Prior to the Cuban Revolution, Cuba had a one-crop economy whose domestic market was constricted.
Martin claimed that the South must "break away from the one-party system just as we broke away from a one-crop economy."
"These are one-crop economies," he said of the Persian Gulf nations.