A one-day admission to the Valentine Richmond History Center exhibition galleries, the Edward V. Valentine Sculpture Studio, and the Wickham House is available.
Keith Prowse & Company (200 Galleria Parkway, Suite 720, Atlanta, Ga. 303391; 404-980-1780) offers a two-night pakcage including accommodations, one-day admission to the tournament, one dinner and breakfast daily.
Islands of Adventure, Universal Orlando Resort, 1000 Universal Studios Plaza, (407) 363-8000; one-day, one-park admission with tax, $55.33, ages 3 to 9, $45.75; under 3 free.
The one-day basic admission ($27; $16 for children) includes the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center, the DeWitt Wallace Gallery and all exhibition buildings in the historic area except the Governor's Palace.
At $44.52 for a one-day adult admission, the ticket buyer has the right to expect that Disney can deliver on its claim of "unsurpassed fun."
The base price for a one-day admission to all four of its theme parks will increase, to nearly $60.
Bard was one of the first colleges to have one-day admissions.
A $17.75 round-trip train ticket from Grand Central Terminal includes a one-day admission.
The ticket price includes one-day admission to the museum.
The package also includes a choice of one-day admission to the Wet n' Wild water park or a free meal.