In what traders described as a huge "relief rally," the Dow Jones industrial average surged 217 points, or 2 percent, in its biggest one-day jump in three years.
Then the whole package will copy itself all the way through in one-day jumps to January.
It used the machine as a relay and bootstrapped itself back in one-day jumps.
Bond prices plunged and their yields registered their biggest one-day jump since 1987.
The rally had pushed down yields on the 30-year Treasury bond to near 9 percent, but on Friday they made a huge one-day jump to about 9.15 percent.
The euro scored its biggest one-day jump in value since it was introduced in January.
This included a one-day jump of 43 percent.
Taiwan reported 23 new cases today, its biggest one-day jump since the outbreak began there two months ago.
The increase was the greatest one-day jump since July 14, 1998, when the International Monetary Fund agreed to lend Russia $22.8 billion.
The Times, the note explained, had been given a one-day jump on other media in exchange for its agreement not to "seek reaction from other interested parties."