Both soft tops are manually operated and they are easy to use, with virtually one-handed operation.
Laminate trimmers excel at this task due to their light weight and one-handed operation.
VW's folding mechanism is the best yet - a genuinely one-handed operation.
The Bem 550 is equipped for one-handed operation, meaning that driver can drive and brake with one control.
The point is that on the keyboarded model, almost every operation has been designed for one-handed operation.
Politician was surprised to find how well the G-11 balanced for one-handed operation.
It makes the device cumbersome and awkward to use for one-handed operation.
It enables a more secure grip and one-handed operation of the 60D.
Moving shelves and bins on the door and inside the appliance cabinet is simply a one-handed operation.
The switch that operates the hybrid viewfinder has been altered in shape to allow for easier one-handed operation.