A one-hour cruise to the Gateway National Recreation Area, where a shuttle bus transports riders to the beach.
At 9 P.M., there will be an auction of vacations, events and fashion items followed at 10 P.M. by a one-hour cruise around the harbor.
Private one-hour cruise on a longtailed boat, $15 a person (computed as 25 baht - $1).
Jump on board a one-hour cruise on the Margrethe I in summer and soak up the sun - and Viborg - from out on the lake.
After dinner, you'll transfer to South Street Seaport for a one-hour cruise of Manhattan Harbor.
Tours from Kuching usually start very early and involve a two- to five-hour road journey to the river and then a one-hour cruise by longboat.
Typically, a one-hour cruise of famous residences costs around $14.30, children $10.70.
Tours range from one-hour daytime cruises, $7.50, to a two-hour dinner special, $27.95.
You'll then see Paris from a different viewpoint by taking a one-hour cruise on the Seine River, highlighting Paris' rich 2,000 years of history.
M/S Lake Star offers one-hour scenic cruises in the Savonlinna area with six departures daily from June to the end of August.