Two other Soviets and three American officials were present at the one-hour meeting.
At one-hour weekly meetings, the team started the process by looking for the symptoms of the problem, which meant pulling together all the relevant facts.
Later, after a one-hour meeting, Washington said that the meeting was fruitful.
Paul, where he settled into a one-hour meeting with the business and agricultural leaders after a brief sightseeing tour.
In a one-hour meeting with two officials of the bar association, Mr. Johnson said he would not back down.
He had a one-hour meeting with the Soviet President.
This morning, she held the staff's attention through a one-hour meeting.
No more 70-hour workweeks, flying to Germany for one-hour meetings or comfortable salary to support a wife and two young children.
Indeed, the one-hour meeting, billed as the first face-to-face dialogue among the groups, produced no consensus.
Later the American commander described the one-hour meeting as cordial.