Miller himself saw no relationship among the disparate tasks of immediate memory and absolute judgment, but lumped them to fill a one-hour presentation.
If you don't want to sit through the entire one-hour presentation, has a handy nine-minute excerpt with the MinWin demo.
During each free one-hour presentation:
But let's take advantage of what there is, or soon will be, which is the South Street Theater's one-hour presentation of George Bernard Shaw's "Village Wooing."
As he took the podium for what was supposed to be a one-hour presentation, the attorney to Mitch's left leaned over and offered his hand.
When Ms. Iwamoto completed her one-hour presentation to a lecture hall full of sixth graders who had come to Hiroshima on a field trip, five minutes were left for what was billed as a question and answer session.
I won't ask about your research, because I am sure after boiling down three years into a one-hour presentation, you'll explain your conclusions fully tomorrow afternoon.
He delivers the roughly one-hour presentation an average of three times every two weeks.
The students taped the many facets of student life throughout the year, edited the tapes into a one-hour presentation and hired a local company to duplicate and mail the finished product to more than 700 students during the summer.
"They have waged an anti-union campaign for more than two years, and now they say that can be erased with a one-hour presentation."