Initially the band was a one-man act, created and produced by David Terry in his bedroom.
Robert Bathurst portrayed the titular character in a one-man act assisted by animated cartoons of the other characters and the various locations.
We have talent shows, and Rodney is like a one-man act.
He had old Chester put on a one-man act, from the ringing of the phone bell through the finding of the body and his call to the police.
Mechanical Angel was a one-man electronic act based out of Athens, Georgia.
This can be especially true (regarding one-man acts) with regard to longer pieces of music.
It serves as a showplace for a range of performing arts productions, from traveling Broadway plays to musical groups to one-man acts.
Each record was followed by a tour, the first and the second with a live band and the current one as a one-man act.
Books on Tape is a one-man electronic and rock act from Los Angeles, California .
For a short period of time following the breakup, Seger had ambitions to be a one-man act.