"Roger and Me," Michael Moore's one-man assault on General Motors, was voted best documentary.
Shredding her orders, she had doubled back for O'Brien on the thin chance that he had survived a one-man assault on an enemy-packed installation.
Running among the caves, he tossed grenades into the Japanese positions as Marine stretcher-bearers came forward to remove the wounded during the temporary lull caused by his furious one-man assault.
Wounded before he reached the first gun, he nevertheless continued his one-man assault and completely destroyed the position.
He was killed in action on Iwo Jima on March 9, 1945, following a one-man assault on enemy-occupied trenches and fortified positions.
He promptly resigns and with Bladewolf at his side, launches a one-man assault on World Marshal's headquarters in Denver, Colorado.
Lummus engaged in what his citation calls a heroic one-man assault before he was killed by a land mine.
With his weapon subsequently destroyed by enemy fire, he seized a rifle and continued his one-man assault.
Dr. Light fits Mega Man's companion Rush with a space flight ability, allowing the hero to lead a one-man assault on Wily's new stronghold.
On that day, near Bastogne, Belgium, he destroyed a German machine gun position before beginning a one-man assault on a Tiger Royal tank.