When an obscure Russian company comes to town for a one-off performance of a classical ballet, you never know what to expect.
The four members were persuaded to reform for a one-off performance at the first Terrastock festival in 1997.
In 2001, the band members were briefly reunited for a one-off performance for a television show.
How long the contract will last, if it is not a one-off performance This information must be clear and comprehensible.
The recording is of a one-off live performance from Halloween of 2008.
He was not interested in one-off performance, or appealing to the arts ghetto.
This would be the last manifestation of Clearlight until a one-off performance in 1988.
He tries to track down the original actors in the show at the time and reunite them for a one-off performance of the song.
Recently, Bell has appeared in one-off performances on guitar with other bands.
Although they have not made a new album together since 2003, the group reform occasionally for one-off performances.