And he continues to live for the competitive, exhilarating pleasure of basketball, an avocation that is even mentioned in the one-page biography distributed by his company.
Description: Presents a one-page biography, along with color portraits, for all but the last two First Ladies.
The requirements are minimal: no financial statements, no recommendations, just a one-page biography, a statement on the need for a studio and slides of some of the artist's work.
Patton French had a flattering one-page biography that would have embarrassed those with thinner skins.
This story was accompanied by a one-page biography of the two creators.
All that Mr. Borowitz knew about Mr. Yorkin was on a one-page biography sent ahead by Tandem Productions.
The first issue featured "a one-page biography of Edward 'Doc' Smith... [and] some news items."
Chris Butler's article "Bernard Hesling: A self-confessed amateur nut-case" , was a one-page biography.
For an interview with Roger after release of The Dreamland Cafe, the interviewer could only get a one-page biography from Frontline Records.
Dropshot has a one-page biography in Dreamwave's More Than Meets The Eye series.