Last week, in a one-page letter to the American bishops, the Vatican insisted on major revisions.
Officials at Malibu Software said the systems should be able to convert a one-page letter into speech in less than a minute.
Suppose the clerk wanted to copy 20 one-page letters.
A tool designed for a 1000-page manual was too cumbersome and difficult for an average home user to type a one-page letter.
He said drawings or one-page letters could be sent free from any of the company's 400 phone stores across the country.
"Through thoughtlessness and misjudgment I've let each of you down," he says in the one-page letter.
I spent an hour and a half this morning trying to write and print out a one-page letter.
The 37 mail bags required to carry 150,000 one-page letters could be replaced by a single mail sack.
A one-page letter on the selected subject is then sent to the relevant politicians.
Students had to answer questions about each, then write a one-page letter incorporating details about both.