Bishop was suspended without pay retroactively on the day of the attack, and later, in a one-paragraph letter dated February 26, 2010, she was fired.
He sent a spare, one-paragraph letter of support to President Yeltsin in advance of his meeting with the Congress of People's Deputies in Moscow this week.
A few weeks before President Clinton left office, a one-paragraph letter written on White House stationery arrived at Mr. Hicks's store.
In January 1979, she received a one-paragraph letter from the Mansfield Training School saying she was being released but without giving any reason.
Mr. Giuliani's one-paragraph letter to Dr. Crew questioned his cancellation of their standing Monday meetings, which were harmonious until their relationship soured six months ago over school vouchers.
In a one-paragraph letter, Secretary of Intelligence Miguel Ángel Toma said simply that his agency "does not possess the information solicited," without mentioning whether an archive even exists.
"The United States does not intend to become a party to the treaty," John R. Bolton, an undersecretary of state, wrote to Mr. Annan in a one-paragraph letter.
In 1990 he received a one-paragraph letter from his father, Alejo Peralta y Diaz Ceballos, a self-made magnate who died last April.
But Mr. Ahmed said the one-paragraph letter, in which several sections appeared to be deleted, was not addressed to anyone, nor was it dated.
The city had initially objected to the deposition by filing only a one-paragraph letter, Magistrate Francis wrote in the ruling, issued Thursday.