It is also a challenge to African countries north of the Limpopo still clinging to one-party, one-ethnicity regimes.
He was again imprisoned in 1981 for criticizing Yugoslavia's one-party regime.
Following a military coup in the 1960s Park established a strong authoritarian rule characterized by a one-party regime.
The front for the most part avoided the systematic repression that has discredited other one-party revolutionary regimes.
Mr. Jarriel presents, without questioning them, astounding statistics evidently provided by the one-party regime.
Turkey was at the time under a one-party regime.
Hitherto a de facto one-party regime, the government had in May reluctantly allowed opposition parties to operate [p. 37445].
But is it possible to encourage economic and cultural pluralism while maintaining the framework of a one-party regime?
Nicaraguans didn't oust the Sandinista dictatorship in order to continue failed economic policies or to install another one-party regime.
The impetus for the one-party regime to end the significant human rights violations that we have seen for so long would disappear.