They say he overestimates income and relies on so-called one-shot revenues that often fall through, leaving holes in the budget.
Over the long term, though, many tribes believe gambling profits will exceed the one-shot revenues from a land claim.
They also argue that one-shot revenues are common.
But it paid for the restorations with one-shot revenues - money that will not be available again next year.
It reduced the amount of dangerous "one-shot" revenues that would be available in the future.
It's always more prudent to keep one-shot revenues out of the budget.
He also said he had not used one-shot revenues to plug the deficit.
Second, it could not rely on any "gimmicks," or "one-shot" revenues that would leave the state with a deficit next year.
That, combined with $350 million in higher projections of tax collections and one-shot revenues, provided the basis for the agreement.
On top of both the spending cuts and new taxes, state leaders plan to use almost $1.5 billion in "one-shot" revenues to close the budget gap.