They were one-story homes without windows that took in light from the entrance and from the center atrium.
The one-story home sits on a 0.85-acre lot and could be expanded up or out, or both.
She gestured to the rows of one-story homes they were passing.
Streets, many paved in only the past couple of decades, are lined by small one-story homes.
This year, however, there has been an increased demand for the one-story homes.
On a narrow street lined with one-story concrete homes, young men stood smoking and talking in small groups.
They mainly consist of low, one-story concrete homes with open doors.
The nucleus of the building started out as a private, one-story home with six rooms, built circa 1840.
The one-story home is topped with a corrugated metal roof.
There were more one-story homes, more room between them.