Under the lost ball rule, a player must go back to the spot of the previous stroke and hit again after taking a one-stroke penalty.
Woods declared the ball unplayable, which cost him a one-stroke penalty.
She contemplated taking a one-stroke penalty and dropping her ball for a new lie.
If the ball is moved, anywhere off the tee at address, a one-stroke penalty will be incurred.
A substitute ball is then played at a one-stroke penalty.
He had the option of accepting a one-stroke penalty and receiving a free drop, but that is not his style.
An error in procedure or the lifting of a ball without good reason is a one-stroke penalty.
Love assessed himself a one-stroke penalty, missed the putt and signed for a 4.
You may return to where the original stroke was played and, under a one-stroke penalty, play another ball.
Upon a second "bad time," the player would be fined $1,000 and assessed a one-stroke penalty.