Massport's executive directors over the past decade have included a pharmacist who was also the state secretary of economic affairs and Peter Blute, a one-term Republican congressman.
All of the five were one-term congressmen.
A former state legislator and one-term congressman, he is a natural campaigner whose style reminds many political observers of Governor Bush.
Chief among his tormentors was a one-term congressman named Abraham Lincoln.
Also, a former one-term conservative Republican congressman, Steve Stockman, said he would collect signatures to put himself on the November ballot as an independent.
He was a one-term congressman from March 4, 1909 until March 4, 1911 and was defeated for reelection in 1910.
Jacob Alexander Falconer (January 26, 1869 - July 1, 1928) was a one-term congressman from the state of Washington, elected at-large in 1912.
He was elected as a one-term congressman in 1970 and as the 27th Governor of North Dakota in 1972, and served two terms until 1981.
In the Fifth District, a lot of people expect Perriello to be a one-term congressman.
"His sawmill failed, the ship he piloted ran aground, and he was a failed one-term congressman who couldn't get elected to the Senate," one member noted.