Then his eyes met the stunned gaze of his one-time friend.
Sadly, some one-time friends no longer talk to one another.
Vatinius backed away, looking at his one-time friend in horror.
In this section of town, there was little chance of encountering one-time friends.
Thomas says that this phrase is based in real life, as a one-time friend of his often used a similar line to meet women.
And the focus of his blazing hatred was one man - his one-time friend.
I took one pace backwards, two, three, and then stood at a respectful distance waiting for my one-time friend to emerge.
She had not, it seemed, forgotten her one-time friend.
The fact that a one-time friend of his was on the careening space station entered into it, but not to a truly significant degree.
What are the prospects for a reunion between these one-time friends?