Why should we auction this valuable property in a one-time sale?
Oil fell below $15 a barrel, a five-year low, on improved prospects for a one-time Iraqi sale.
In 1999, however, as permitted by a United Nations convention on endangered species, several African nations conducted a one-time sale of stockpiled ivory.
The company attributed the drop to a one-time sale of assets in 1988, valued at 12 cents a share.
Instead of making a one-time sale of a product or service, the membership site brings new, repeated income every month.
Neither sentence even approaches Ms. Thompson's 15 to life for the one-time sale of two ounces of cocaine.
Agents are people who know they can make a one-time sale.
But without the one-time sale of securities they would have had the operating loss we were all looking for.
Thus, a one-time sale of a product can become a recurring sale and can build brand loyalty.
Even if drugs are stockpiled, that is a one-time sale, not a continuing revenue stream.