Yet classifieds are peculiarly vulnerable to the Internet's capacity to permit one-to-one communications across great distances.
Small class size promotes one-to-one communication and rapport between teacher and student, which best stimulates the desire to learn.
"This is not about one-to-one communication," Mr. Joseph explained.
"You narrow down email primarily to what it was designed for, which is one-to-one communications."
He says one-to-one communication is sometimes preferable to marketing studies.
It is mainly designed for group communication in discussion forums, called channels, but also allows one-to-one communication via private message.
Moreover, some say, there might not be much demand for one-to-one communications, given the ease of using the Web.
Some companies that did not use much direct mail realized that there were benefits to one-to-one communication.
They then share information about hypotheses (diffusion of information) through direct one-to-one communication.
"Paging" is the one-to-one communication between the mobile and the base station.